Our Team.

Tineke Bouwman

Tineke is the forerunner and founder of Lighthouse. A pioneer with prophetic insight, she loves to see when a vision comes into focus. She has a heart for seeing a generation set free and passionately on fire for God. Her pursuit of Jesus in the first place, and her ‘yes’, have been the catalyst for Lighthouse to become the ministry it is today. An advisor and mentor, she travels into the nations giving input and releasing revelation to ministries, missions schools and individuals.

Tineke Bouwman

Founder + CEO + Board of Directors + Senior Pastor + Lighthouse Team


Tim is a coach and mentor who carries wisdom and insight - bringing practical tools and life experience to the table. Married to Tabitha, he is a father of three. His perspectives help release people into freedom, identity and destiny. This wisdom also carries overview, vision and strategy in our team. As a part of our worship team - he is also releasing breakthrough with the drums. Outside of the Lighthouse, Tim has a background in social work and is currently a regional manager in his workplace.

Tim Bouwman

Pastor + Lighthouse Team + International Advisory Board

Tabitha Bouwman

Tabitha Bouwman

Tabitha is married to Tim and mother of three. A creative force, her energy can wake up a room. Whether it’s worship, dance, drama, or the arts – Tabitha is not afraid to step out of the box. She carries a passion to see people set free and releases their inner potential. Humorous and deep, she brings a fresh intimacy with the Father everywhere she goes. Outside of Lighthouse Tabitha runs her own creative business, giving dance and drama lessons, and selling her latest artistic creations.

Pastor + Lighthouse Team


Rose carries not only administrative, financial and governmental giftings, but also a heart of compassion for people. Together with Tineke, she has helped to grow Family Home into the ministry it is today, because of their mutual heart to see people transformed and healed. With a background in social work, she currently works for a local municipality. She is an influencer that carries excellence and motivation - making her a catalyst for change everywhere she places her feet.

Family Home Pastor + Lighthouse Team + Board of Directors

Rose Koppejan


Samuel Dijkstra

Samuel’s heart is to release the sounds of heaven in a unique and fresh way. Married to Nanda, he is a father of three. Passionate about the Father heart of God, he desires for people to encounter this revelation through his music. He also carries a heart of discipleship - encouraging and uplifting people he comes into contact with. Samuel has released 2 instrumental albums, and works as a warehouse production manger outside of Lighthouse.

Pastor + Lighthouse Team

Nanda Dijkstra

When Nanda worships, she carries prophetic breakthrough in the sound she releases. Tapping into where Holy Spirit is moving, she brings shifts into hearts, minds and atmospheres. Her worship invites people to go deeper with God, drawing them into freedom. A mother of 3, when she is not home, mentoring our youth or leading us in worship, she works as a process manager in social work. A force to be reckoned with, Nanda is ready to run where the Holy Spirit leads - carrying breakthrough into the places she sets her feet.

Pastor + Lighthouse Team

Eliza Koppejan

Lizzy’s heart for the children at Lighthouse is that they would to come to know their identity in God, and learn how to walk in relationship with Jesus and the Holy Spirit. She is a worshipper who releases breakthrough, and is a leader in Family Home, overseeing our international travels. Her passion for kids extends beyond the doors of Lighthouse, where she also works in a school for children with learning disabilities.

Kid’s Ministry Lead + Lighthouse Team

Eliza van Damme


Lisette is a nurse by trade, but that far from describes the depths of who she is. She is a mentor, a teacher, and an admin queen. A leader in Family Home, she loves seeing people step into the identity God has given them. She carries joy and life wherever she goes and has a love for Jesus that flows through it all. With a hunger to see healing outside a hospital room - Lisette carries her passion and heart for Jesus into the nations.

Lighthouse Team

Lisette Ephraïm

Jennifer Bunker

Jennifer has a heart to see a generation bring reformation to the nations and she carries it through the act of investing in the people in front of her. She is a mentor in Family Home who carries wisdom and loves to see people released to step into their destiny. With a background in the hospitality sector, alongside with her administrative and creative giftings she brings a unique set of skills to our team.

Arise & Shine Mission School Adminstrator + Lighthouse Team

Jennifer Bunker


Stephan de Gast

Building/Project Coordinator + Lighthouse Team

Stephan is the practical hands of our ministry. He is a leader in Family Home who possesses wisdom and insight - challenging people to come up higher. In his role as a builder and visionary for Lighthouse, he brings his skills to the table to create a level of quality and excellence to everything he does. Through his hard work he is preparing Lighthouse for all that God is planning to do.


Carrying a unique, rich sound, Emiel brings a deep level of worship whenever he puts his hands to an instrument. His worship on the stage carries a passion that pulls heaven to earth because of the worship he carries as a lifestyle. A man of integrity and strength, he brings a fresh insight and wisdom to our team.

Lighthouse Team


Wim Weedage

A prophetic voice with insight and overview, Wim carries a heart for seeing Holy Spirit have all the room. He is on our Board of Directors and as one of our sound men, Wim ensures that we release the sounds of breakthrough in the room and flow in tune with where the Spirit is moving. Retired from working as a craftsman, he and his wife Willie are enjoying the beauty each day offers.

Board of Directors

The International Team.

Caleb + Chloe

Caleb and his wife Chloë are parents to four children, and live in Canada. A business owner, he performs custom home renovations with his team. His apostolic, pioneering giftings bring a level of excellence, wisdom and oversight in our team. He is someone who see the gold in people, discipling and releasing them into their God given destiny.

International Advisory Board

Caleb MacDonald

Stu & Berdien

Stuart Ringland

Stuart and his wife Berdien live in Scotland, where he is a director for a recruiting firm. He loves positioning people to reach their potential - stewarding  and discipling them – helping them find the freedom he’s received. He is a mentor who perseveres and aims for excellence. Possessing a mind for business, Stuart brings practical insights and Godly wisdom to the situations around him.

International Advisory Board